Saturday, December 26, 2009

guess what?

he's 1/2 a year old already! Remember to click on the picture to read ....


  1. He is soooo darn cute...I love his big eyes..^ months already, where has the time gone?

  2. He's so cute I just wanna kiss his little cheeks off. Can't believe he's already 6 months!

  3. He is beautiful Maria! He is getting into the super fun stage!

  4. Hey Maria, I got your message, we will definitely get you on the list so we can stay in touch with blogging...

    Kevin Kirby

  5. OH MY.....
    Those eyes! Your baby is gorgeous! Sorry, I know he is a boy, but boys can be pretty too right?!!


About Me

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Hello. I am Maria. Wife to David. Mother to Ayla, Braxton, Benjamin and baby-to-be. Daughter of Bruce, Greg and VeLoy - and of course my Heavenly Father :) Blogging has become one of my favorite things to do lately. I hope you enjoy!