Monday, April 5, 2010


Here is an adorable video of my sweet Malachi playing with his Auntie Deb and brother Braxton. We had just gotten done decorating the easter eggs and Auntie and Malachi came up with this game. I thought it was pretty frickin' adorable!!!

I have been simply bored to death with blogging lately. I used to live and breathe it. Now, I have totally abandoned it. I need to find a HAPPY medium, because truly, it does help me remember the important times!!!

So, I will try my hardest to catch up this week and have a bunch of posts within a week or so .... :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh. My. Heck. I LOVE his laugh! He's a cutie, Maria! Lucky momma!!!

    Glad to see you're back to blogging; I kinda had some blogger's block myself, especially through Jan/Feb. I think it's because those are the worst months of the year, and winter kinda sucks the life out of me. Oh well, onward and upward, right?! I'll be checking back more frequently. :)


About Me

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Hello. I am Maria. Wife to David. Mother to Ayla, Braxton, Benjamin and baby-to-be. Daughter of Bruce, Greg and VeLoy - and of course my Heavenly Father :) Blogging has become one of my favorite things to do lately. I hope you enjoy!